Project Summary

In April 2018, the QLD team were contracted by Gray Bros Air Conditioning to carry out the fitout of a commercial tenancy, Xing Technologies. The team worked closely with Xing Technologies to find and implement a suitable low-cost temperature monitoring system to connect to the BMS and monitor the temperature as well as provide instant email alerts to the customer upon fridge/freezer out-of-limit events. Current switches that were installed within the machine to monitor the current on active lines of the fans were used to monitor the inbuilt fans on fume-cupboards. Regardless of these challenges, our team prevailed (as usual), and managed to exceed our client's expectations in project delivery.

Quick Notes

Client: -
Sector: Commercial
Contract Type: BMS
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Date Commenced: April 2019

If you would like to know more about building automation or energy management systems to maximise efficiency in your building or facility, contact us today!